All the donations made to SAI ASHRAM
by our generous donors are exempted under section 80(G) of the
Income Tax Act. FNO.CIT-IV/NGP/TECH / 80G/23/09-10 DATED 17.03.2010
Valid From 01.04.2009 & onwards.
Donations can be made by following ways
Cash directly donated in the office of SAI ASHRAM or NYSS Nagpur office.
Cheque should be drawn in favor of ‘SAI ASHRAM.’
Donors can even directly deposit their donations in Tirupati Urban Co-op Bank Every Branch.
Saving Account No. 002002300000267.
C/O Nehru Bal Sadan,
OPP. Plot No. U. 87,
MIDC, Hingna Road,
NAGPUR. 440016.